Local groups and schools visits

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Local Groups & Schools Visits

We have hosted lots of local groups from Transition Wellington, to the Blackdown Brownies. We also try to have at least one school visit from a local primary school each year (if this becomes sensible again with the pandemic). Its a great place to be introduced to off-grid living and small scale ecological agriculture and we love sharing this experience with other local people young and old.

If you are interested in coming to visit Steepholding, please get in touch to see if we can arrange a date. Whilst we offer tours and visits at no charge for most local groups, if your group is able to make a financial contribution towards our time that will help us to offer more educational visits to groups that don't have funds.

Pumpkin! A thankyou present from one of the children at Webber's primary school in Holcombe Rogus, after a whole school visit to Steepholding and Greenham Reach

Pumpkin! A thankyou present from one of the children at Webber's primary school in Holcombe Rogus, after a whole school visit to Steepholding and Greenham Reach